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Understanding Love Addiction

Love addiction is a complex and often misunderstood phenomenon that can have significant impacts on individuals' lives.

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Understanding Burnout: Types, Impacts, and Evidence-Based Solutions

Burnout is something many of us experience at some point in our lives. Whether it’s feeling completely drained after a long week at work, struggling to find motivation, or just feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind, burnout is a real and pervasive issue.

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The Impact of Relationship Issues on Mental Health

Relationships are a fundamental aspect of human existence, providing us with support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. When we encounter relationship issues, it can have a negative impact on our mental health.

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Recognizing and Changing Social Withdrawal Behaviors: When to Seek Professional Help

Self-Isolation can silently creep into our lives during challenging times, leading us to believe we're simply taking a break. Yet, distinguishing between healthy solitude and harmful social withdrawal is crucial for maintaining mental well-being.

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Impact of Love Addiction on Perception and Experience

Love addiction can have profound effects on individuals' perception of themselves, their partners, and their relationships. One common consequence is a distorted view of love, where individuals equate intensity and drama with passion, mistaking possessiveness and control for genuine affection which can lead to a cycle of unrealistic expectations and disappointment.

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Understanding Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often associated with childhood, but it's crucial to recognize that it can persist into adulthood, albeit in different manifestations.

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The Hidden Struggles of Adult ADHD Diagnosis

The Hidden Struggles of Adult ADHD Diagnosis: Navigating Challenges and Finding Hope. Being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as an adult can be a complex and daunting journey.

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Navigating ADHD in the Family

Navigating ADHD in the Family: Understanding Impact and Building Healthy Relationships. Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges..

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Exploring the connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Exploring the connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and sex addiction reveals a deeply personal journey filled with complexities and challenges.

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Deciphering ADHD: Unveiling Gender-Specific Symptoms

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) manifests differently in men and women, often leading to misdiagnosis or overlooked symptoms.

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Embracing Awe: 7 Steps to Cultivate Wonder in Your Daily Life

In the rush of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the extraordinary moments that surround us. Yet, deliberately seeking out awe-inspiring experiences can profoundly impact

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The Transformative Power of Awe: How Embracing the Extraordinary Benefits Mental Health

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to become consumed by routine tasks and mundane responsibilities. Amidst the chaos, we often overlook the profound

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Navigating the Journey Together :The Importance of Premarital Counseling

Congratulations on taking the next step in your relationship! Planning for a life together is an exciting adventure, but it’s also a journey filled with uncertainties and challenges.

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Breaking Free from Cognitive Distortions: Recognizing The Patterns and Staying Grounded

Recognizing and coming to terms with cognitive distortions presents the important first steps in regaining control over our thoughts and emotions.

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Embracing the Journey of Co-Parenting: Navigating Tools and Boundaries for Healthy Family Dynamics

Co-parenting, despite its inherent challenges, offers a unique opportunity for parents to come together in support of their children’s well-being, even in the face of family dysfunction.

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Nurturing Mental Well-being: Unraveling the Impact of Parental Alcoholism on Children

Living with a mood disorder can present significant challenges, impacting not only the individual but also their relationships and overall well-being.

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Navigating Youth Mental Health: A Compassionate Guide for Parents and Teens

On the many paths of life, one of the most valuable assets we can carry is personal resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and navigate through challenges with strength

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Understanding Mood Disorder Treatment Options and Recognizing Signs of Struggle

Living with a mood disorder can present significant challenges, impacting not only the individual but also their relationships and overall well-being.

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Building Personal Resilience: Navigating Life's Challenges with Grit

On the many paths of life, one of the most valuable assets we can carry is personal resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and navigate through challenges with strength

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Embracing Your Imperfect Journey: How Online Therapy Can Help Overcome Perfectionism

In a world filled with polished Instagram feeds and seemingly flawless success stories, it's easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism. We're bombarded with images and narratives

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The Power of Boundaries: Building Self Worth Through Communication and Self-Care

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to find ourselves stretched thin, pulled in multiple directions by the demands of work, relationships, and personal responsibilities. Amidst this whirlwind,

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Celebrating Black History Month: Nourishing Mental Health Through Cultural Recognition

As February unfolds, so does the celebration of Black History Month—a time dedicated to honoring the profound contributions and resilience of Black individuals throughout history.

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Strengthening Bonds: The Role of Couples Counseling Online in Improving Relationships

In the often-tumultuous journey of military service, the struggles faced by military members and veterans extend beyond the battlefield. The invisible wounds of anxiety,

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Navigating Mental Health Battles: A new perspective for Military Members and Veterans

In the often-tumultuous journey of military service, the struggles faced by military members and veterans extend beyond the battlefield. The invisible wounds of anxiety,

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The Risks of Self-Diagnosing Mental Health Disorders on Social Media

In the often-tumultuous journey of military service, the struggles faced by military members and veterans extend beyond the battlefield. The invisible wounds of anxiety, PTSD,

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Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Access to Therapy for Minority Communities

In recent years, the importance of mental health has gained widespread recognition, but accessibility to therapy for specific populations remains a critical issue.

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Nurturing Independence and Self-Confidence in Young Minds

In the intricate Journey of child development, fostering independence and building self-confidence is a primary building block for lifelong success and well-being. From a psychological standpoint,

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10 Daily Habits for Improved Mental Health

When you access a mental health counseling service in North Carolina for some assistance with combating stress and anxiety, any professional would advise you to follow a healthy sleep routine.

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Assessing for anxiety and comorbidities with perfectionism and ADHD

If you are looking for amental health counselor in Virginia, North Carolina or any of the other states we serve, please visit our website at to talk to someone about scheduling an appointment.

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Learning to Recognize Your Shadow Self

Maybe you have been hearing a lot about the shadow self lately and you have been wondering, “what is the shadow within”, and “how can I identify my shadow self"?

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Boundaries: Definition and Context

Humans naturally want to be part of a pack, to be included. This desire comes from a biological need for survival. For our ancestors, being solitary meant danger, higher risk of attack, or even death

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Boost your confidence!

What are your feelings about yourself and how do you talk to yourself? Are these things keeping you from achieving everything that you want in life? Do you talk to yourself like you would a

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

This type of treatment is designed to help people who feel stuck in a rut to move away from behaviors and thoughts that are keeping them stuck and moving forward in the direction

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Social Justice and Woke Movement's Impact on Mental Health Services

Social justice movements have sometimes led to the politicization of mental health issues. Mental health professionals may find themselves pressured to adopt specific political ideologies or perspectives

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Taming Anxiety in a Pandemic Era

In 2019, a dark cloud enveloped our world much like the Black Plague did several centuries ago. This darkness was the beginning of the Pandemic, which we have not experienced

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Counseling – 30 Signs that it’s time…

Sometimes having someone to talk to who has no agenda other than your best interest can be a relief. Counselors are here to listen to your thoughts and feelings and help you understand your own thinking and feelings.

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Shadow Work, the Archetypes and Defense Mechanisms Explained

As a provider of mental health counseling in North Carolina, I frequently see issues of projection and unconscious avoidance of the shadow self. Today, we're diving into the depths of psychotherapy and exploring a powerful technique known as shadow work.

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Stress Management : Strategies For A Healthier Mind

Stress is a natural aspect of life, from little obstacles to serious emergencies. Even though you may have no control over your environment, you always have power over how you react to it.

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Negative Self Talk – A barrier to success

Of all of the issues that people present with in my practice, I find that low self-worth and self-esteem are at the core of many of the issues that escalate into anxiety, depression and other disorders. What we tell ourselves

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Self-esteem counseling

Have you been looking for self-esteem counseling in North Carolina and have been told that counselors are full, asked to go on a waitlist or told that counselors don’t accept your insurance? We have immediate availability to accept new clients

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Boundaries, what are they?

Boundaries are sets of internal rules that help you to protect your time, energy and emotions. Boundaries are like a protective barrier around you to limit the impact that the outside world may have on you. Boundaries are rules for you, not rules for others.

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